dare to be darling

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"I am a designer"

Monday morning i was in my room cleaning it..right before the little babies come in & told me how gross and messy it was. {i'll explain in another post why it is so messy.}Keira Chase & Jonas {My brother Jake & Neena's Kids}were over playing in the hall next to my room. & if you know me, I have pretty big ears and i heard keira say to chase.. "I am a designer and i am designing sweaters.." i thought um. wait. this should be coming out of my mouth! lol so i walk outside and ask Keira what she just said, with a huge smile she said exactly what i heard. i said, "that is so cute!" she knows i love fashion and all that so that smart girl just knew i would adore that. i also asked her if she knew what a designer was. she did. then reminded her how my dream is to own a boutique when i get older. and she even knew what a boutique was. this girl is only six years old!

So she asks me. "would you like to order anything?" i couldn't refuse, i said "of course! i have this turquoise dress with gold buttons but i need some shoes & a handbag to match." she did that and every drew me a little gold sweater i have been searching for.

she had me pick between boots, high heels, and flats. i choose the high heels of course. later came the sweater that was turquoise with gold trim. she did all of this by herself that darling girl.
when i told her about my dream {owning my own boutique} she said she wanted to own her own salon in her basement.. when i was little i always wanted to do that too!! everyone changes but maybe this girl will help my start my business up! she has got some talent am i right?


  1. oh. my. gosh. that is easily the cutest thing i have ever read on this blog. looks like you have a mini twin...

  2. I love her... she is so funny. And wants to be like you so much! Careful with that one, cause she'll do everything you do! :)
