dare to be darling

Sunday, May 23, 2010

.so long farewell.

HELLO old journal of mine, i need to start writing in you again so..

hello writing.
hello yoga.
hello reading.
hello swimming.
hello sewing.
hello hiking.
hello sun.
hello horses.
hello crafts.
hello summer clothes.
hello camping.
hello tan lines.
hello boating.

goodbye everyone that has opinion about what i say.
goodbye everyone that thinks i am desperate.
goodbye everyone that see's me as worldly because i ADORE gossip girl.
goodbye facebook status's.
goodbye everyone that thinks i dream too BIG.  
goodbye everyone that thinks i worship clothes.
goodbye criticism.
            GOODBYE BLOG. 
ya know, maybe i do all these things. but that is for me to decide. 
i will still follow my favorite blogs of course... & you should probably too.
my inspiration to have a blog was from:
...these wonderful blogs are famous to me and one day will be famous to you. everyone wants to love stuff before they become famous right? well, get on it then... followww first!
{just like how i loved ADELLE before she won her first Grammy.}

i know that my journal will appreciate everything i write 
& my journal will only listen and i need that right now.

my journal loves me & i love my journal.



  1. this was BY FAR my favorite post...until you said "goodbye blog" and then i started crying. boo. but do what you think is right and you know that i support you...even though i have adored this blog since day one! i love you knit gnat.

  2. If this was facebook, I would say "like" to the above type "dislike" to the below. I am sad you will not be writing your blog... will you still do fashion friday?! :)
    Oh and since you will no longer be blogging... do I get to come over and read your journal???!

  3. You're leaving blog-world?? I just got started!
    Love you friend!

  4. I love you Natalie Marie Riddle!! Well, I'll let your journal get all your attention for now, but I will miss your beautiful blog! I hope that summer is so great for you. Keep me posted! Love you!
