dare to be darling

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Jace Wyatt Peterson
while i was putting him to sleep tonight
this was our cutiest conversation-
Jace:Why do you kiss me on the lips? 
Me: because i love you.
Jace: i kiss you on the heart because i love you.. 
Me:oh, your so cute!!!
Jace: no, im handsome. 
Me: your handsomly cute! 
Jace: no those are two different things..


how completely adorable his he
...or should i say handsome.

this was us tonight.. 
lily wanted to take pictures of us.. the whole night.
.high five. 


  1. ah! that is ADORABLE!! i cannot wait to have my own little monters (nieces and nephews, that is) to give kisses and high fives too. and my quotebook will be crazy good then too!!

  2. He is sweet! And I love the things that come out of his mouth. I hope his mother writes them down!
